Category Archives: ABDL phone sex

Sissy Baby Humiliation


Sissy Baby Humiliation 4 Michael!

Are you into Sissy Baby Humiliation? A certain sissy baby is squirming in his diaper & shaking in his baby booties! Everyone knows you love your rattle & sucking on your pacifier! I bet your breaking out in sissy sweats right now! Oh the Sissy Baby Humiliation! “OH my goodness she finally did it!” your thinking as your read this!   I sure did! I love to make you blubber & cry in Sissy Baby Shame!

Crying like a pathetic sissy baby while I make you have Squirty-Squirts for me in your crinkly girly diapers and silly sissy baby panties ! You are so WEAK & HELPLESS!

There is nothing you can do sissy baby Michael! I have you in my pretty pink pedicured clutches! I am squeezing your sissy balls as I speak! Laughing at your sissy transvestite shame as you are Sitting in your fluffy fancy lacy ruffley tidy whitey frilly sissy bloomers and diapers! Bent over licking your lolly! Begging for your Teen Mistress to spank your crinkly diapered bottom in your lacy silly sissy bloomers! I bet you wet your silly sissy diaper all ready!


No where to run from your Sissy Baby Humiliation Michael!

You begged for more Sissy Baby Humiliation! I am entrapping you in my pretty Teen Princess clutches for the world to see! Everyone is gonna see you dressed up like a little pathetic sissy baby! In your diapers sucking on a big pink pacifier like a big baby! Sitting in your crib like a adult baby!  NO WIG how scandalous! In your sissy pretty pearls and  pink lace baby dress! Just look at yourself! Sissy Baby Michael I put you on display in all your adult sissy baby silliness! What a pretty pink Pansy Play Toy you are!


I will make you BLUBBER & CRY like a Little Girl at your  PATHETIC PUBLIC DISPLAY of sissy-ness! Everyone is going to know what a big sissy baby you are Michael! I know how much you adore the humiliation and ridicule! A teen mistress like me cutting you down to size! Are you feeling embarrassed and ashamed yet! Are your little sissy bits tingling with excitement? Is your tiny pinky sized pathetic man clit shriveling in fear and shame?


Get ready for your Sissy Baby Humiliation Punishment Michael!

Bend over and  beg for your Sissy Baby Humiliation. You are so pathetic & pitiful that you DESERVE whatever SISSY SHAME & PANSY  PUNISHMENT I give you! Now like a pretty pansy sissy baby trophy you will be FORCED to remain STUCK on PUBLIC DISPLAY !

How does it feel to get all the embarrassment you ask so dearly for! My little sissy attention slut loves all the exposure. Now millions of people are going to see how silly and pathetic you are in your ruffley frilly dress with your bracelets and bows pearls and bloomers!

There is no where to hide you are now sissy famous just like you begged to be! I Look at you in your hot pink baby pant suit and heels! Your cute little pinky pansy romper! Don’t you look silly! With your tiny man penis tucked into your diaper and pretty pink panties!


Your Sissy Baby Humiliation entertains your Teen Mistress Kaylee!

I must admit I giggled and laughed as This Sissy Baby Humiliation blog was published! I waited so long to make your pansy pinky sissy baby punishment public! I wanted to do it sooner but I had to wait. Now the waiting is over and your EXPOSED! You look so cute modeling your pink dresses andSissy baby humiliation baby cloths! Down to your rattle and pacifier!

Now don’t get your sissy panties in a bunch! You know what you have to do…taps foot! Mistress Kaylee awaits to give you even more humiliation! Is your tiny sissy penis shriveling in fear now that you are sissy baby famous?

No pouting allowed! You can sit in your crib AND SUCK IT UP! Suck on your pacifier and like it! I bet your so excited your making messy sissygasm squirties in your di- di- diaper right now!

I bet your crinkly pampers are so wet with excitement as your little sissy dick quivers in fear! Your blog will serve as your SISSY BABY punishment and shame! The entire internet pointing and laughing at you just like you wanted!


Your Sissy Baby Humiliation is totally outed for the world to see!

Get exposed during Sissy Baby Humiliation Phone sex. You are now TOTALLY OUTED & EXPOSED just liked you begged to be! I know my Sissy Baby Michael  wants to be teased and humiliated! In all your shame! You only have yourself to blame! ANYBODY MIGHT SEE THIS!

All you can do now  sissy baby Michael is Blubber and cry and make sissySissy baby humiliation baby transvestite tributes and beg for more humiliation! Now put on  your big girl diaper and some panties and a cutsey pink pantsuit or dress and call me!

Its time to confess all your Adult baby fantasies and transvestite sins. No where on atoz for you to hide. The entire interwebs knows what a pink pathetic helpless sissy baby girl you are! You have been exposed rendered silly and helpless for the entire world!

The sissy star of my website! But you love it don’t you? Your tiny small man dick in your silly sissy diaper and panties is swelling up right now! You probably made it all messy with lots of sissy squirties as you read this blog! *snickers!

Call me for Silly Sissy baby humiliation & abuse at 1-877-497-0582 

check out my personal website at:

Email me

We have a very special website for all our adult babies, diaper lovers and AB/DL callers. We have a cute look and special blogs just for adult babies diaper lovers and AB/DL sissies just like you. Check out our new ABDL Website at 

Wanna save time and purchase our time online?

Leave me a tip I love gifts!

You might want to get my photos too. That way you can jerk off to me nude when we play.

Are you afraid the wife or husband may find out? No worries I have you covered. Go here to buy a prepaid card and use it to pay for our calls. That way your wife or girlfriend never has to find out your a Sissy adult baby diaper lover transvestite.

For those of you who long to make me your sugar baby, become my patron to support what I do or simply rinse your wallets I take bit coin tip tributes. I get 100% of all tips through bit coin at the link here! 

I also accept tributes here  

Thank you for supporting me! My patrons, sugar daddies and generous tippers always get extra special attention. I really appreciate all my extra generous callers and supporters!

ABDL Phone Sex

ABDL Phone Sex mommy Mai.

Cum see your sweet Asian ABDL mommy for some ABDL Phone Sex fun. I just can’t wait to play with my sweet adult babies. We can just be wholesome and nurturing. Or mommy can be sexy too.

I bet you are hungry, come here and suckle on your ABDL mommies soft milky nipples. Lick and suck on them as you drink mommies warm breast milk. Its ok if you have a breast feeding fantasy with your ABDL mommy.


Suck my Milky ABDL Phone Sex tits .

When I breast feed you during ABDL Phone Sex roleplay my sweet warm milk fills you completely like a warm hug. I know you love how sweet it tastes. ABDL Phone SexUh oh, it looks like you made a mess in your diaper.

All that mommy milk dripping down your chin. Let’s get you cleaned up sweetie. We can have adult baby play time, I will tell you stories too.

Time to burp you as I pat your back lovingly. There there baby time to burp you so you don’t get gasey. What a good adult baby you are.


ABDL Phone Sex baby needs a diaper change.

As I wipe you during ABDL Phone Sex diaper changing I notice you have a chubby for mommy.  What a bad boy you are. Now mommy has to spank you after changing your di di diaper! I lay you down on your baby blanket as I take off your adult diaper and clean you up.

Your cute little pee-pee starts to get hard for your ABDL mommy as I start to tease you. Shall I rub your chubby until the baby batter cums out? Maybe mommy might play with your bottom too. We can play all kinds of kinky ABDL games you’ll enjoy!


Are you hungry for naughty ABDL Phone Sex?

What a naughty Adult baby you are. During ABDL Phone Sex I  start to touch you down there and stroke your little pecker up and down. You start to moan as you suck on your thumb. You just love how mommy touches you and teases your little adult diaper boy button.

I put powder all over you as I finish changing your diaper. Super Swaddeling you up in a crisp clean diaper. Nice crisp and clean and squishy! Your squishy wooshy diaper feel so good against my bottom.


Asian ABDL Phone Sex!

Oh, it looks like you want ABDL mommy Mai to make you feel good. I start rubbing the front of your adult diaper with my hands as you grind against me. I rub your little chubby up and down in your adult di di diaper.

Milking all your adult baby batter from your little dick. Such a naughty boy! You feel so good when mommy is here to take care of you. Are you going to squirt for mommy? That’s okay, sweetie. You can squirt for me, I want to make my sweet boy feel so good. That’s a good boy for mommy.


Be a good boy for your ABDL Phone Sex!

Your feel so good you go pee pee too when you go cum cum. Oh what a naughty adult baby you are. Now mommy has to take you to the bathroom. You made mommy messy too. We will have to bathe together.

Mommy will get to play with your little pecker again. I can rub your little dick while you play with your rubber duckies. You can suck on mommies hot Asian tits and lick all the ABDL mommy milk out.  Uh-oh you peed in the bath tub, now you get a spanking again.

You love your ABDL Phone Sexin so many ways.

When your ABDL mommy puts you on the bed to dress you that dick of yours get so stubby and chubby. Maybe mommy will suck it now that it’s nice and clean. Mommy will suck your big boy chubby just like you suck on mommy’s nipples.

Then mommy puts a diapey wipey on you and your so naughty you laugh on your tummy and start to hump the bed. Cumming in your adult diaper again. Humping and grinding against your bed like  a horny adult baby. Making all the baby batter come out.

If your naughty your ABDL mommy might spank you!

You love how crisp and clean a brand new adult diaper feels on your chubby pee pee and ass. You will make your diaper dirty as much as you can. This might get you a spanking. Then your ABDL mommy has to be strict.

I might even punish you by putting a thermometer in your butt. But then I use a dildo instead. Pushing a dildo deep inside your adult baby bottom. Oh Don’t cry baby, Mommy won’t make it hurt too much.


Craving ABDL family fun?

Does your ABDL mommy pull your adult diaper aside and fuck your tight little butthole while you suck you suck on your ABDL aunties  big floppy milky tits? What a naughty Adult baby you are.

You just can’t get enough ABDL phone sex can you? Does daddy need to cum in and teach you a lesson too? Or maybe you just like to keep our ABDL play time between you and mommy and Auntie?

Call me for some of the best ABDL Phone Sex!

Be sure to call me wearing your fresh clean crisp adult baby diaper. You can wear plastic pants too if you want to. Bring your rattle and your binky. Your Asian ABDL mommy Mai can’t wait to make you feel so good.

Call me for ABDL Phone Sex .

Call me !1-877-277-5255

Check out our new ABDL Website at

Check out my personal website here at

mail me too

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