
Phone Sex specials

 Check back here for hot specials on phone sex!

Phone Sex MP3 Recordings for sale

Mp3 recordings offer alot of value. You get to keep an erotic recording forever for one low price. Allowing you endless enjoyment of our hot & nasty ladies! Be sure to check our MP3 page for more offerings coming soon!


Cherry Popper Special!

A to Z Phone Sex Special

New to phone sex?

All new callers get 5 mins free with any paid call of 10 mins or more!
-Must be brand new, cannot be combined with any other special. One per Caller.


All Callers Special !

Looking for some love?

All my Callers can Enjoy these specials Below

15 Min Phone Sex Special

30 minute special atoz

Must use all in one call.

Must request special when calling.

For callers in USA/canada only who can accept a call back.
Does not combine with any other special!

Only available for purchase over the phone (cannot purchase online)

Specials must be used in all one call no time carries over.
One per day with each girl you call.
